Existence Deconstructed
The inescapable fact is that each person resides for a life within a single body – and in this world, that living body will perish.
40,000 years ago newcomers arrived in Western Europe. These were people like us with the same brain and physical appearance. And like people today, they had the same self-awareness and reality of dying with no real understanding of what existence is or how it came to be. Consciousness was mystical and the world’s first art was a possible means of interacting and influencing the supernatural world of existence. Art was magic. As we immerse into the vision of the 21st Century, the art and entertainment world in part, reflects a culture more enthralled with branding, celebrity, and profit than with creativity or the mysteries of existence. Historically – art, science and philosophy have been investigations into the nature of reality – an exploration into the ways the pieces fit together. Reality is no longer what you think it is. Time and space can be bent and what we call mass is actually empty space and energy. We do live in a world of celebrity and marketing – but that is only a soulless facade of this existence. Our true essence goes back eons to the mystical questions the first artists painted in the darkness of cold caves – what is this reality? This humanity? We are made from the stars in the universe – and that is the mystery. However much we find out – it will still be that way because the universe is vastly, unfathomably, greater than anything we will ever know. This art is a quest of vision itself – to clear my eyes and see, in part, how the human condition inter-plays in this very mysterious world. To see the integration of supposed reality, and the appearance of reality, to visualize how we exist in this realm intelligible and whole. In essence, to restructure a particular vision according to a modern view of our inner and outer miraculous universe. |